Do you use Upromise?? I gotta admit that I signed up when pregnant with my first baby, back in 2006...and then kinda forgot all about it. That was really before I became a couponista! And now that I'm learning that Upromise has ecoupons, I'm all about it again. (Not to mention that i logged in to my poor attention-deprived account to find $8.12 saved up...not sure how, since I haven't logged in in over 3 years, but $8 is $8 and I'll take it!! Especially for my babies' educations!)
So, if you aren't familiar with Upromise, it's a website that allows you to save money for college by doing all sorts of things. You can register your credit cards and store loyalty cards so when you buy a product that supports Upromise, you'll get a percentage of the item's sale price in your account. It's not much, but it all adds up. You can also shop through Upromise, much like ShopAtHome or Ebates, earning a percentage back on your online purchases.
Now, I'm finding that you can actually load e-coupons to your store loyalty cards, thus maximizing your savings at check-out, AND you'll be gifted with the amount of those savings right back into your Upromise account!!! I got into the e-coupon fad when I used to shop at Dillons. They were the only store (that I'm aware of) that accepts ecoupons around here. But, sadly, Dillons is no longer in the KC area so I had kind of forgotten about ecoupons. All you do for these savings is log in to your account (or create one
here), choose "ecoupons" in the left side bar (you may have to select "ways to save" first), and then select all the coupons you may use. You can then load them on to your store loyalty cards and when you shop at CVS, Price Chopper, Hen House, or Country Mart (it also states HyVee, but they don't have a loyalty card, so I really don't know how that would work....anyone know??) you'll bank the savings. Those are the stores in the greater KC area...if you live elsewhere, type in your zip to see a selection of participating stores in your area.
The great thing about ecoupons is that they can be stacked with a manufacturer coupon to save even more. Each coupon can only be used once, though, I believe, and I'm assuming it's just once total, even if you have uploaded it to several different store cards. This is just judging from other sites I've used ecoupons from...
Well, I've loaded my ecoupons on to all my cards and am ready to go shopping to see just how well this process works. Is there anyone out there that has been doing this for a while that knows more about it?? Maybe we can all learn together. Happy shopping!!