Call me obsessive, but this time last year, I decided to keep track of all my purchases at both CVS and Walgreens, in an attempt to log all my savings. I wanted to see if I really do save that much by couponing. Is it really worth my time? Well, after logging every receipt and calculating my totals, I've come up with two really awesome savings amounts I wanted to share with you. Before I get to the numbers, lemme explain why I do what I do.
First off, a friend introduced me to the wonderful world of couponing just a few years ago. By nature, I am a shopper. But I'm also the queen of buyer's remorse, and my husband jokes about how often I take things back for a refund. I guess as much as I like to shop, I also really enjoy a great bargain. So when Meredith opened my eyes to couponing, I found a hobby I could really get in to. No, getting a tube of toothpaste for free is not quite the same as buying that perfect pair of jeans on sale, but get a year's worth of toothpaste for free, and you can both afford and justify buying that great pair of jeans that just might be a splurge otherwise!
Or in my case, we had some credit card debt. Well, truth be told, we still do, but we've wacked it in half and then some...and I attribute that progress to my couponing. A penny saved on household essentials is a penny you can apply elsewhere in your budget. So by spending very little on essential things I used to spend retail price for (eek!!!) I have now been able to apply that money to debt (among other things!) and really maximize my money. "Yeah, but how much could you have really saved??" people ask me. Well, here are the cold, hard numbers:
At Walgreens last year, I purchased $1,535.49 worth of essentials such as toilet paper, toothpaste, shampoo, diapers, wipes, even groceries. Over the year, I got the majority of my household essentials (excluding groceries) at either Walgreens or CVS. Okay, so what were the
savings, though?? $1,535.49 is a lot of money!! Would I DARE spend that much? Not a chance. Out of pocket, for all that product, I only paid $322.10!!!!!!! Yes, people...that's a savings of 79%!! When you run to Target, Walmart, or even Wags or CVS, do you typically save 79% on your purchases?? By couponing, you can!!
Personally, I like CVS a little better because their rewards program is set up a bit differently so that you can keep your out of pocket low. How'd I do at CVS in 2009??? Oh, so glad you asked. I'm not the slightest bit ashamed to brag about my savings!! ALL YEAR LONG, I only gave CVS $64.56 for ..... (drumroll, please!) ... $2,147.41 worth of products!!! I LOVE CVS!!! 97% off, people!!! My husband always asks, "How can they afford to stay in business?!?" Answer: because the average bird walks in and actually
pays $3.29 for a bottle of shampoo! I haven't actually paid money for shampoo in over 2 years!! (I cringe every time I see people
paying for toothpaste, shampoo, toothbrushes at the store. I just want to bop them on the head! Don't they know there's a better way!!??)
I know couponing is not for everyone. It truly is a lifestyle change, in my opinion. You have to be organized, diligent, and on top of all the sales
every week. Not everyone has the time or the desire to devote that much time and energy to it. But if you are like me, looking for a way to slash credit card bills, or you have a home improvement project in mind that you have NO room in the budget for, couponing just might net you the savings in your typical budget that can help you reach your goals.
The moral of the story: use those coupons to their full potential. They truly can change your life if you are committed to the organization of it all, and the planning it takes to snag a deal. A free bottle of shampoo doesn't sound all that impressive until you add up all your savings. A dollar here and a dollar there over a year's time can mean BIG MONEY in the end.
Happy couponing, all!!! And here's to a FABULOUS year of savings ahead in 2010!!!