Sunday, October 25, 2009

Welcome to my Blog

So . . .
I began my last blog, CouponCrazedInKC, a while back with the intention of helping my family and a few friends to save a buck... to spread the wealth a bit. I was obsessed with shopping CVS, Wags, Target, and all the grocery stores each week! With a husband, two boys 3 and 1, a part-time job, and limited sanity, I'm finding that I'm just stretching myself too thin. My objective is to stretch my buck, not my sanity!!

So, I'm re-evaluating my focus. I'm taming it down a bit. What gets done, gets done. And what doesn't, will be there tomorrow. And if I miss a deal in the meantime, there will always be another! This about serenity in life! I need serenity!!

So why a new blog? In an attempt to reach a broader audience and perhaps to just broaden my focus in general, I've decided gear this blog, yes, toward my adventures with coupons, but also toward bargain-hunting (think Goodwill, garage sales), helpful household tips, ideas for the kids, etc. I hope that if you have followed along with CouponCrazed, that you will continue to follow me in my new endeavor. And if you have just found me, then Welcome!! Let's start this journey together!!

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