$3 off Eukanuba puppy food
$2 off Nylabone puppy starter kit
and $5 your next purchase (no minimum stated!)
So, I grabbed this KONG Wubba for my 3 four-legged babies' stocking. $7.99 - $5 coupon = $3.22 OOP. Not bad for an expensive dog toy. Merry Dogmas, pups!!
By the way, PetCo is apparently doing away with their Buy 10 bags of dog food, Get one free Perks promo. They have switched they loyalty program to Spend $100, get a $10 coupon. I don't shop there enough to have that effect me, but the lady also explained that apparently by switching your card over to the new program, you'd get $500 (?!?) worth of store coupons.... so that could possibly make for some great deals. I'll keep you posted as to wether or not I ever actually GET those coupons!!
One more thing--their receipt has one of those survey thingys at the bottom...call the number, rate your service, get a code for $2 off your next $5+ item purchase. More cheap toys! Yeah!! (Or--paired with a MQ, that could make for cheap dog treats....)
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